Wednesday 7 June​
Thursday 8 June
Friday 9 June
Monday 12 June
Tuesday 13 June
Wednesday 14 June
Thursday 15 June
Friday 16 June
Saturday 17 June
Monday 19 June
Tuesday 20 June
Wednesday 21 June
Thursday 22 June
0900 Welcome to Stockholm University and IAM3 (Holmström, Schönström) [slides]
1000 Introductions (Dye, Schlehofer)
1100 Institute Expectations (Dye)
1200 Lunch
1400 Institute Assessment (Dye)
1500 Translanguaging: Current Debates and Hot Topics (Holcomb) [reading] [video] [slides]
1600 Q&A (Dye, Schlehofer)
0900 Language Attitudes and Ideologies (Kusters) [reading]
1000 Translanguaging and Raciolinguistics (Hou) [reading] [video] [slides]
1100 Researching Sign Language Contact (Adam) [reading] [video] [slides]
1200 Lunch
1400 Translanguaging and Multilingualism (Duggan) [reading] [slides]
1500 Translanguaging and Deaf Education (Holcomb) [reading] [video] [slides]
1600 Group Discussion
0900 Minority Sign Languages and Sign Bilingualism (Adam) [reading] [video] [slides]
1000 Language, Power, and Identity (Duggan) [reading] [slides]
1100 Language Portraits (Kusters) [reading]
1200 Lunch
1400 Deaf Women's Health: Global Perspectives (Schlehofer) [reading] [video] [slides]
1500 Researching Family Language Policy (Kusters) [reading]
1600 Translanguaging and Crip Linguistics (Hou) [reading] [video] [slides]
0900 Mixed Methods Workshop 1 (Schlehofer, Hou)
[reading 1] [reading 2] [reading 3] [slides pt.1] [slides pt.2]
1200 Lunch
1400 Language Ideologies (Rowley) [reading] [video] [slides]
1500 Beginner's Guide to R: Introduction & Basics (Dye, Terhune-Cotter)
[reading ch.2 & 4] [slides pt.1] [slides pt.2] [slides pt.3]
0900 Mixed Methods in Linguistics (Hou) [reading] [slides]
1000 Mixed Methods Workshop 2 (Schlehofer, Hou) [slides]
1200 Lunch
1400 Beginner's Guide to R: Data Visualization (Dye, Terhune-Cotter)
[reading ch.3 & 28] [slides pt.0] [slides pt.1] [slides pt.2]
0900 Assessing Multilingual Individuals (Rowley) [reading] [video]
1000 Beginner's Guide to R: Data Import & Wrangling (Dye, Terhune-Cotter)
[reading ch.9-11] [slides pt.1] [slides pt.2]
1200 Lunch
1400 Integrating Quantitative and Qualitative Written Data (Gärdenfors) [reading] [video]
1500 Mixed Methods Workshop 3 (Schlehofer, Hou) [reading] [slides]
0900 Generalizability in Research – A Discussion (Schönström) [reading] [slides]
1000 Mixed Methods Workshop 4 (Schlehofer, Hou) [reading]
1200 Lunch
1400 Working in the World of Internet Data (Hou) [reading] [video] [slides]
1500 Beginner's Guide to R: Data Tidying (Dye, Terhune-Cotter)
[reading ch.12] [slides pt.1] [slides pt.2]
0900 Analyzing Multi-word Expressions in ASL (Hou) [reading] [slides]
1000 Beginner's Guide to R: Summarizing & Reporting Data (Dye, Terhune-Cotter)
1200 Lunch
1400 Attitudes Towards Black ASL (Hill) [reading] [video] [slides]
1500 Mixed Methods Workshop 5 (Schlehofer, Hou) [reading] [slides]
0900 Mixed Methods Clinic (at the hotel)
1400 R Clinic (at the hotel)
Juneteenth (US Federal Holiday, observed by RIT)
0900 Group Work & Consultations
0900 Student Presentations
0900 Student Presentations and Wrap-Up